The Environmental Transformation of Plastic Bottles and Oyster Shells

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Key Vocabulary and Phrases (For the full version, please refer to the link above).
牡蛎壳Mǔ lì ké:Oyster Shells
牡蛎Mǔ lì=蚝Háo”=蚵kē
引起yǐn qǐ:Evoke
回收huí shōu:Recycle
环保 huán bǎo:Environmental Innovation
环保丝材质huán bǎo sī cái zhì:Eco-friendly Fiber Material
转化zhuǎn huà:Transform
功能衣gōngnéng yī:Functional Clothing (机能衣jī néng yī)
通过tōng guò=透过tòu guò
塑料sù liào:Plastic
废弃物的再利用fèi qì wù de zài lì yòng:Waste Recycling
透气tòu qì:Breathable Compound Sentence Structure
句型:不仅…更… bù jǐn… gèng… Not only…but also…
制造业者zhì zào yè zhě:Manufacturers
技术jì shù:Techniques
企业社会责任qǐ yè shè huì zé rèn:Corporate Social Responsibility
排放pái fàng:Emissions
聚酯jù zhǐ:Polyester
纤维xiān wéi:Fiber
石油shí yóu:Petroleum
曝晒bào shài:Exposure
自然分解zì rán fēn jiě: Natural decomposition
业者yè zhě:Manufactures
牡蛎塑胶颗粒mǔ lì sù jiāo kē li:Oyster Plastic Particles