#14 玫瑰少年

你的國家有性別平等法嗎?在你的國家,多元性別都獲得尊重嗎? Does your country have gender equality laws? Are diverse genders respected in your country?





Updated every Wednesday

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传统性別角色 (Chuántǒng xìngbié juésè)(“jiǎosè)

中文解释: 传统性别角色是指社会上对不同性别应该如何行事和表现的传统期望和规范。

英文解释: Traditional gender roles are the conventional expectations and norms about how different genders should behave and act in society.


中文解释: 指一个人的性格特征和心理状态。

英文解释: “Qi zhi” refers to a person’s temperament or disposition.

霸凌 (Bàlíng )

中文解释: 指的是一个人或一群人对他人进行持续的伤害或骚扰。

英语解释 : Bullying refers to the continuous harm or harassment inflicted by one person or a group on another.

歧视 (qíshì )

中文解释: 歧视是指基于种族、性别、年龄等因素对他人不公平的对待或偏见。

英文解释: Discrimination is the unfair treatment or prejudice against individuals based on factors such as race, gender, or age.


中文解释: 重伤指的是严重的身体损伤,通常需要紧急医疗处理。

英语解释 : Severe injury refers to serious bodily harm that typically requires urgent medical attention.


On April 20, 2000, a shocking incident occurred at Gaoshu Junior High School in Pingtung County, Taiwan. A student, Yeh Yung-chih, was bullied and discriminated against by classmates for not conforming to traditional gender roles and was afraid to use the restroom during breaks. That day, after obtaining permission from the teacher to leave the classroom to use the restroom, Yung-chih was later found severely injured and lying in a pool of blood. Despite being rushed to the hospital, Yung-chih succumbed to the injuries and passed away.

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