The International Flavors of Taiwanese Cuisine

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What are the famous foods in your country? Is there an international influence?
小笼包 (Xiǎolóngbāo) – Soup Dumplings
鸡排 (Jīpái) – Fried Chicken Fillet
擂茶 (Léi Chá) – Ground Tea/ Pounded Tea(Lei cha, is a traditional Hakka beverage. Tea leaves and herbs are pounded together with roasted nuts, seeds and grains. The mixture is then brewed into a drink by adding boiling water. Lei cha was traditionally salty, but now it’s usually sweet.)
凤爪 (Fèng Zhǎo) – Chicken Feet
烤鸭 (Kǎoyā) – Roast Duck
草仔粿 (Cǎo Zǎi Guǒ) (Minnan or Taiwanese :tsháu-á-kué)- Hakka Rice Cake /Grass Cake/ Grass Jelly Cake
蚵仔煎 (Kēzǎi Jiān) – Oyster Omelette
盐酥鸡 (Yán Sū Jī) – Crispy Salted Chicken/ Salt and Pepper Chicken
卤肉饭 (Lǔ Ròu Fàn) – Braised Pork Rice
大肠包小肠 (Dà Cháng Bāo Xiǎo Cháng) – Big Rice Sausage Wrap Small Meat Sausage
凤梨酥(fèng lí shū) – Pineapple cake #chinesepoetrywithsophie