#15 自行车友善




你喜欢骑自行车吗? 在你的国家里,有安全又方便的自行车道及环境吗?

Updated every Wednesday

友善(yǒu shàn) Chinese Explanation: 形容环境或人非常友好、方便。 English Explanation: Describes an environment or person that is very friendly and accommodating.

有许多台湾人梦想骑自行车环岛,自行车车友们认为,有三宝能帮助他们完成环岛梦想:7-ELEVEN、警察局和加油站。7-ELEVEN和台湾自行车大厂美利达合作,免费提供自行车打气筒及「简易维修工具」,这些工具包括常见的L型扳手、S型扳手、螺丝起子和调节器等。在必要时,店员也会提供协助。此外,7-ELEVEN还免费提供热水,车友还可以购买食物和饮料 …

环岛(huán dǎo) 中文解释:指围绕一个岛屿骑行或旅行,通常指的是沿着岛屿的外缘进行一圈完整的旅行。 英文解释:Cycling or traveling around an island, typically referring to a complete trip along the island’s perimeter.

车友(chē yǒu) 中文解释:指喜欢骑自行车并且经常一起骑行的朋友或群体。 英文解释:Friends or groups who enjoy cycling and often ride together.

打气筒(dǎ qì tǒng) 中文解释:用来给轮胎充气的工具。 英文解释:A tool used to inflate tires. 维修 (wéi xiū) 中文解释:维修指的是对损坏、失效或老化的设备、机器、建筑物等进行修理和保养, 英文解释:Maintenance refers to the process of repairing and servicing damaged, malfunctioning, or aging equipment, machinery, buildings, etc., to restore them to their normal working condition.

扳手(bān shǒu) 中文解释:一种手动工具,通常用于紧固或松开螺栓和螺母。 英文解释:A hand tool commonly used to tighten or loosen bolts and nuts.

螺丝起子(luó sī qǐ zi) 中文解释:一种手动工具,用于拧紧或松开螺丝钉。 英文解释:A hand tool used to tighten or loosen screws.

调节器(tiáo jié qì) 中文解释:一种工具,用于调整和校正自行车的部件,使其工作正常。 英文解释:A tool used to adjust and correct bicycle components to ensure they work properly.

🍀 Many Taiwanese people dream of cycling around the island. Cyclists believe that three essentials can help them achieve this dream: 7-ELEVEN, police stations, and gas stations. 7-ELEVEN collaborates with Taiwan’s major bicycle manufacturer Merida to offer free bicycle pumps and “basic repair tools.” These tools include common L-shaped wrenches, S-shaped wrenches, screwdrivers, and adjusters. When necessary, store staff will also provide assistance. In addition, 7-ELEVEN offers free hot water, and cyclists can purchase food and drinks. …

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